A How To Guide: Connecting Architecture & Nature

Creating Access to Nature

Large picture windows, skylights, exterior glass doors, and garden space create interconnectivity between the two environments.

Incorporate Natural Materials and Elements

Wood, stone, bamboo, earth-toned color palettes, and patterns usage provide natural warmth and an outdoorsy ambiance.

Bring Natural Decor Inside

Ceramic sculptures, macrames, fireplaces, & plants are a great addition for connecting the outside with the in.

Understand The Local Climate

Design a space that can work and benefit from the local elements // using the mountain wind to power a localized wind turbine on this net-zero farm.

Design Sustainably

The use of solar panels, natural heating & cooling systems, to led bulb replacements, are a few changes that can greatly benefit the earth and our homes simultaneously and strengthen the connection between architectural design and nature.

This How To Guide can be used to guide your home design process and aid in finding the right architectural designer that aligns with your environmentally friendly values. As licensed architects and sustainability gurus we are here to create the perfect mix of design and nature.

Syd Berkowitz