Sopher Sparn Architects

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Wonderland Creek Townhomes

In our quest to develop the ideal site plan, we participated in a robust neighborhood outreach program that included 3 public gatherings and more than a twenty individual meetings… all designed to understand the issues and concerns of nearby neighbors in order to make the project better. The plan was unanimously adopted by the Planning Board on August 1, 2013.

Project Goals

  • Provides needed workforce housing

  • Is respectful of the surrounding neighborhoods

  • Is pedestrian friendly

  • Encourages multi-modal forms of transportation

  • Provides visual and pedestrian permeability

  • Exceeds required open space requirements

  • Employs Sustainable Design Principles

  • Results in Net-Zero Energy consumption through energy conservation and PV Solar

The Site

This 5.03 acre site is located in North Boulder at the North East corner of 28th and Kalmia and is characterized by the Wonderland Creek and its multi-use path that conveniently cuts through the southwestern portion of the site providing excellent access and linkage to Boulder’s Bikeway System. The property is also located on an RTD bus line with frequent service and is a short walk from shopping amenities. We see this as a natural site to encourage and promote alternate modes of transportation within the development.

The Design

In the park-like setting, this modern forty-nine-unit (12 separate buildings -- 36 Two BR units, 8 Three BR units, 5 One BR units) townhome community will be clustered around an intimate commons. Ascending to upper floors provides privacy and views, while flexible, open floor plans are easily adaptable to residents and exterior finish materials and colors are thoughtfully integrated to enhance this community. The site’s proximity to multi-model forms of transit provides ample opportunity for a pedestrian-oriented design that includes a common courtyard with a children’s play area and outdoor seating. All units have small private patios, covered porches and storage closets. The flat roof design helps to keep the overall massing lower than conventional pitched roofs.[gallery link="file" ids="3404,3419,3418,3423,3421,3420"]

Energy Efficiency & Net Zero Energy Usage

Each unit will meet Boulder’s rigorous energy standards and more. Each unit will be fitted with a 3kw PV Solar System that when combined with its high level of insulation, energy efficient mechanical systems will provide a net-zero energy footprint. In other words, this project will generate as much energy as it uses. Equally important is that we are designing high performance buildings. By that we mean buildings that have a very energy efficient building envelope designed to reduce heat loss and heat gain while providing abundant natural light for views and quality of life. Additional attention will be given to low-flow water fixtures and high-efficient lighting systems. The goal is to reduce the size of the energy pie.

Habitat for Humanity

We are excited to be able to provide a substantial portion of our Affordability Requirement on-site by teaming with Habitat for Humanity in this project. They are a great organization and the Boulder Chapter is a very well run operation. Habitat is ideally suited for this project because of their single-family home orientation. By locating four, modest single family homes adjacent to the single family homes to the East, we help transition the density into the multi-family portion of the site.

Outdoor Space

Future residents of the Wonderland Creek Townhomes are fortunate to have Wonderland Creek and its multi-use path running through the property. Wonderland Creek contains many large trees, native shrub areas, and wetlands. The Wonderland Creek multi-use path provides direct pedestrian and bike connections to the north and south, and linking to many other trail systems.On site, numerous trees will be added to create shady walkway connections, shade in the parking areas, and shady patios for the residents. An existing line of trees along the east side of the property will be maintained to provide a landscape buffer between the project and neighboring residences. Shrubs, ornamental grasses and perennials will be water-wise and selected for their hardiness and year-round appeal. Due to the sloping nature of the site, there will be areas of terraced landscaping where boulder walls are softened by cascading plants. The project will be very permeable, with multiple pedestrian connections to and through the site. Enhanced paving is envisioned where the pedestrian connections cross the internal drive. This will elevate the importance of the pedestrian while slowing cars.

Team of Professionals

We are excited to have partnered with a wonderful team of professionals to help turn this project into reality. We appreciate the enthusiasm, help and support!

  • Transportation Engineer - Chris McGranahan

  • Civil Engineer - Curt Parker

  • Hydrologist - Dr. Gordon McCurry

  • Landscape Architect - Carol Adams