Painting and wine, and a lot of fun!


Last night for the SSArchitects holiday celebration we had a painting and wine party at Posh and had a really lovely good time. The teacher, Sarah, led us through painting “Dog With a Dream”, step by step. She's developed a process and technique that can turn painters into those of us who have never or rarely picked up a brush before. It was really fun. Of course, the wine made it even more fun!

Paint, canvas, and brushes were provided... In only 2 ½ hours, each of us had a one-of-a-kind creation and a new found talent we all want to explore. This is not your average art class, this is art entertainment.  I will be here again. For reals. Now I just need more wall space to hang my (obviously brilliant) creations.

Afterward we had dinner at the Bitter Bar, which I highly recommend for its tasty, reasonably priced food. Yum!