Our Sustainable Commitment
At SSA, sustainability pervades our daily practice of architecture. We aim to ensure that every building we design makes a meaningful contribution towards climate well-being and environmental preservation. As of 2023, the built environment accounts for about 40 percent of greenhouse gas emissions, both embodied and operational. In Colorado, the climate is changing at 2 times the global average. We are actively implementing strategies for buildings to reduce their impact, even beyond their physical footprint, to address issues of rising temperatures, limited water supply, increased energy costs and clean air. As architects, we have a responsibility to take action in shaping the built environment. Our objective for the architectural structures we design is to function as carbon sinks, effectively sequestering a greater amount of carbon than they emit.
Sustainability Action Plan

The 2030 Commitment
The AIA 2030 Commitment is an actionable climate strategy that gives us a set of standards and goals for reaching net zero emissions in the built environment. This Commitment stands for tracking our progress and evaluating the impact design decisions have on our project’s energy performance.
We have pledged our commitment alongside industry leaders to work towards eliminating fossil fuel consumption for building operations.