Pleasant Pool House

This 2,400 square foot structure located on Pleasant Street in Boulder is a fusion of architecture and sculpture. The pool house is part of a 1.5 acre residential compound and is an addition onto an existing guest house. The pool house design is in contrast to the traditional architecture of the existing house yet the design sets up a dialogue between the two. The two-lane pool house is characterized by a gracefully undulating roof form accentuated by glued laminated timbers that run the width of the pool. The sweeping roof form was functionally determined from the desire to maximize the volume over the lap pool for water polo and to meet the solar shading requirements at the west elevation. The result provides the optimal volume over the pool yet a sense of intimacy at the lounge area.

West of the pool are changing rooms, a powder room and a common shower. The southwest corner opens up with a series of moveable glass wall connecting the indoor/outdoor entertainment areas, blurring the boundary between environments. Indigenous Loveland buff pavers stretch from the outdoor patio to the pools edge becoming a deck for reflecting and simply sitting around refreshing your toes in the water.

The interior walls are finished with large rectangular white tiles separated by contrasting tiled accent columns. A tensile fabric ceiling introduces a softness to the space while performing as an acoustical sponge to the typical clamor of pool activities. Limestone plaster was used for un-tiled surfaces and stainless fixtures were installed to insure durability against the mineral salted pool water. Exposed ductwork brings an industrial feel to the space and was carefully positioned to wash the aluminum and glass windows with air to eliminate condensation in this intrinsically humid environment.