Hiring an Architect

Simply put, the most important reason for hiring an architect to design and plan your project is because you want an exceptional, excellent design. However, the reasons go deeper.When it comes to designing and building, a licensed architect is the person who will give you the most for your time and money by determining the most appropriate solution to a given set of requirements. Planning and building space in today’s marketplace is a complex undertaking requiring many different products and skills. Architects provide clients with the essential information and guidance to navigate successfully through the many potential pitfalls that can cause delays, waste money or lead to undesirable results.

What Does An Architect Do?

An architect is a trained and licensed professional with expertise in space planning and building design. To design a building, many elements must be considered such as building function, occupant behavior, space use, building materials, site-environment, structural, mechanical and electrical systems, life safety and fire codes, bidding and construction methods, budget requirements and aesthetics. The Architect’s skill is to sort through the many requirements and potential solutions to find options that best address the client’s needs.Your architect looks at your project requirements with discerning eyes and will develop design solutions for you to consider. Architects are used to solving problems involving spatial issues and can make floor area work in ways you may not have thought of on your own. The placement of doors, windows and walls is critical in space design and your professional architect will know how to make all these things work in unison.When the design is finished an architect's job is far from over. They have connections to reputable contractors to perform the work and can help in selecting one best suited for your project. The architect will oversee the project while it is being built, making sure it is constructed with the materials specified and within the contracted budget. If any problems arise during construction, your architect is invaluable in conflict resolution between the involved parties.

How do I know if I need an Architect?

The larger and more complex your project, the more important it is to have a professional in charge. Most larger projects require an architect’s stamped drawings as part of the life safety, building permit application process. However, virtually all projects can benefit from hiring an architect to ensure that the client’s needs have been effectively met. This includes questions and answers aimed at confirming that the client has fully considered the “big picture” as well as the more detailed project requirements if appropriate to the project.

At what point in a project should you think about Hiring an Architect?

As early as possible. The most important stage is the project definition and conceptual planning stage. It is here that the key elements of a project are defined and goals established. A small oversight here can have a large impact on later planning efficiency, cost and ultimate project success. Architects can evaluate your ideas, assist in defining the project goals and develop an approach to transforming those visions into reality. Architects will also do site studies, review planning, zoning and permit requirements and prepare early budget estimates.

Are they worth the fee?

The proof is in the product. If you look at finished projects where hiring an architect was involved versus those where there was no architect, it is clear that the professional touch takes precedence. In addition to looking better on the outside, because they pay attention to such details as scale and size, your project will work better for you inside when it is designed by a professional skilled in transforming your stated needs into built form.  And perhaps most importantly, architect projects are worth more and sell more quickly when placed up for marketed.  Architects are an investment, not an expenditure!

It is usually best to hire a competent design professional and have them provide a full range of services which will result in a building that is well planned, well documented, functional and cost effective in the long run. A well planned building can provide savings to the owner in construction costs, maintenance costs, operational costs and functional efficiency.

If you're looking to build a new home or to update your space, you owe it to yourself to speak to an architect about how they can help you make your visions of “home” a reality. Translating your wants and needs into a new space is our specialty, and we are waiting for your call!