The Dairy Center for The Arts

The Boulder Planning Board on February 4 unanimously approved a site review that clears the way for completing the adaptive reuse of The Dairy Center for the Arts, our beloved former milk-processing plant, into a state of the art high-tech arts facility.

As you know, plans include a digital cinema theater, already funded by a generous grant from The Boedecker Foundation, and a renovated façade, the New Face of The Dairy, which includes a beautiful glass atrium that will complete the repurposing of our historic building.

The planning board took only 20 minutes to discuss and approve the Dairy’s plans. Planning Board member Elise Jones said, "this looks like a really good project and we fully support The Dairy for their contribution to the community."'

Stephen Sparn, longtime friend of The Dairy and architect for the New Face, told the planning board that The Dairy has obtained evening access to additional parking spaces in nearby existing lots to increase the amount of available parking without creating new lots. Most of the need for parking is during evening hours when nearby office buildings are not using their spaces. Another 36 bicycle parking spots will also be added.

In addition, we are looking into the possibility of putting a photovoltaic solar system on the roof of The Dairy. We'll have bids from a handful of vendors within the next couple of weeks, after which we'll look at all the data to see if this project makes fiscal and environmental sense.