Project Update: S'PARK West
S’PARK West is a residential area of the master planned S’PARK development, which is set for Boulder Junction. S'PARK West consists of five mixed-residential buildings comprised of 45 ‘for rent’ 100% permanently affordable, 2-story townhouses and 3-story flats. The 2- to 3-bedroom units offer outdoors space including patios or balconies, as well as tuck under parking. The entire neighborhood is designed to support community among neighbors. S'PARK West will be just a short walk from the rest of the development including our other projects, S'PARK Ciclo and Railyards.
S'PARK is intended to be part of the 2nd LEED Neighborhood Development Platinum project in the country and supports the Transit Oriented Development, a new Bus Rapid Transit Station and the eventual Boulder Train Station. It complies with Enterprise Green Communities & Green Points and include sustainable features such as Photovoltaic panels, rainscreen exterior, cool roofs, Energy Star appliance packages, among other features.
2-story permanently affordable townhouses
A peek into one of the townhouses. This is a view from the kitchen into the living room.
Stained cedar siding creates an exposed industrial look. One of the features of these buildings are the rain screen exteriors, which are gaps behind the wood siding, so rain and moisture drain down, allowing it to dry faster.
Here is a recent rendering of the most southern building featuring the 3 flats as bookends to the townhouses in the middle.
Beautiful view from the southwest 3-flat facing Bluff Street.
S’Park_west will be the first section of the entire S’Park development to be completed in March 2018.